My world of Aphorisms

Müəllif Nadirov Ingilab
Nəşr olunduğu il 2016
Elm sahəsi 9
Nəşriyyat Zardabi LTD MMC
Nəşr yeri Bakı

Nadirov Ingilab. My world of Aphorisms. Bakı, Zardabi LTD MMC, 2016.

In the book,There are 1350 (one thousand and three hundred fifty) aphorisms(written in verses) and admonishing sayings, written by the prominent poet, playwright, publisist, scientist on economy, public figure, real member of several International Academy of Sciences Ingilab Adil oghlu Nadirli (Nadirov). In the first part of the book human beings are educated by the surrounding them society. In the second part of the book a human being educates the others.