Etymological Dictionary of Basque

Müəllif R. L. Trask
Nəşr olunduğu il 2008
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat University of Sussex
Nəşr yeri

R. L. Trask. Etymological Dictionary of Basque. , University of Sussex, 2008.

Trask’s own presentation of the objectives of the Etymological Dictionary of Basque can be seen best in section 1 (General introduction) and section 13 (The structure of entries). It is clear that his aim was to provide a single-volume work, in English, of value to scholars such as comparativists, who may not have been Vasconists. It might also be seen as a companion volume to his History of Basque (1997), now with a special focus on the history of the Basque lexicon. It is likely that the list of items with dictionary entries is in large measure complete. There are a certain number of lexemes that are cross-referred to in The Dictionary or mentioned in sections 1-14 (Guide to the dictionary) but are missing from the list of entries as Trask left it. I have included these in the section ‘Morphemes cross-referred to but not listed in The Dictionary’ on page 425.