English Pronunciation in Use Elementary Self-study and classroom use

Müəllif Jonathan Marks
Nəşr olunduğu il 2007
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat Cambridge University Press
Nəşr yeri

Jonathan Marks. English Pronunciation in Use Elementary Self-study and classroom use. , Cambridge University Press , 2007.

The English Pronunciation in Use Elementary course - book and CDs, or book and cassettes is to help you with your English pronunciation. What will I need? You will need a cassette or CD player to listen to the recordings. The symbol At shows the track numbers of the recordings. It will be useful if you can record your own voice, so that you can listen to your own pronunciation and hear your progress. When you are studying individual sounds it is sometimes useful to have a mirror, so that you can see the shape of your mouth and compare it with the diagrams in the book.