The Great War and The Tragedy of Anatolia: Turks and Armenians in the Maelstrom of Major Powers

Müəllif Sonyel Salahi
Nəşr olunduğu il 2000
Elm sahəsi 7
Nəşriyyat Turkish Historical Society Printing House
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Sonyel Salahi. The Great War and The Tragedy of Anatolia: Turks and Armenians in the Maelstrom of Major Powers. Ankara, Turkish Historical Society Printing House, 2000.

It is becoming more evident from primary documents preserved in the various European, American and O ttom an archives, now m ade available to researchers and the public, that long before the outbreak of the First World War the m ajor Powers, such as Russia, Britain, France, Germany and others, were vying with one another in order to gain ascendance and influence in the Near and Middle East. The main contry which in both the economic and military sense, became their arena of conflict, before, during and after the war, was the Ottoman Empire.