Advanced Masterclass CAE NEW EDITION Teacher's Book

Müəllif Kathy Gude
Nəşr olunduğu il 1999
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat Oxford University Press
Nəşr yeri

Kathy Gude. Advanced Masterclass CAE NEW EDITION Teacher's Book. , Oxford University Press , 1999.

Advanced Masterclass CAE NEW EDITION Advanced Masterclass is an exam preparation course which covers all the elements of the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, combining systematic training in exam techniques and thorough development of advanced level language skills. This new edition incorporates all the changes made to the CAE examination (1999 and 2000 revisions). The Teacher's Book contains: A full answer key Teaching notes on procedure Extra activities Transcripts of the listening texts Photocopiable tests: fourteen Unit Tests and three Progress Tests Advanced Masterclass consists of a Student's Book, a Workbook, a Teacher's Book and two cosettes