Advanced Masterclass CAE Workbook with answers

Nəşr olunduğu il 1999
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat Oxford University Press
Nəşr yeri

. Advanced Masterclass CAE Workbook with answers. , Oxford University Press, 1999.

Advanced Masterclass is an effective and popular exam preparation course for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English. The course combines motivating topics and extensive general skills work with in-depth, up-to-date exam training. The new edition of the course includes systematic training in the new exam format (1999 and 2000 revisions). KEY FEATURES Regular practice for all parts of Paper 3 English in Use through realistic exam tasks Reading sections that reinforce the exam tasks introduced in the Student's Book and encourage timed reading Writing sections that offer essential analysis and exam training in typical exam tasks Thorough consolidation of the structure sections in the Student's Book Extensive vocabulary work designed to enhance the advanced student's knowledge The 'with answers' edition includes a full answer key. Advanced Masterclass consists of a Student's Book, a Workbook,. a Teacher's Book and two cassettes.