Say it Better in English Useful Phrases for Work & Everyday Life

Müəllif Marianna Pascal
Nəşr olunduğu il 2007
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşr yeri United States

Marianna Pascal. Say it Better in English Useful Phrases for Work & Everyday Life. United States , LANGUAGE SUCCESS PRESS, 2007.

Dear Reader, We know that you are busy. You want to learn fast. This book was designed to make it easy for you. You can use the book these ways: 1. Read it like a storybook Say it Better in English tells the story of five people who work together. 2. Learn one phrase a day We suggest you read one page each day from Monday to Saturday. Puzzle review After every six pages, see how much you have learned by doing the crossword puzzle. When you do a puzzle, pay attention to the verb tense. For example, you may have to write 'made' instead of 'make'.