Inside Reading 4: The Academic Word List in Context

Müəllif Kent Richmond
Nəşr olunduğu il 2009
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat Oxford University Press
Nəşr yeri

Kent Richmond. Inside Reading 4: The Academic Word List in Context. , Oxford University Press , 2009.

This idea took root and developed with the collaboration and support of the OUP editorial team. I am particularly grateful to Pietro Alongi, whose vision for this series began with his recognition of the reciprocal relationship between reading and vocabulary. I am also grateful to Dena Daniel, the lead editor on the project, and Janet Aitchison for her involvement in the early stages of this venture. OUP was joined by the contributions of participants from various academic settings. First, Averil Coxhead, Massey University, New Zealand, created the Academic Word List, a principled, research-based collection of academic words which has led both to much of the research which supports this project and to the materials themselves. Dr. Tom Klammer, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), made my participation in this project possible, first by endorsing its value, then by providing the time I needed. Assistance and insight were provided by CSUF participants Patricia Balderas, Arline Burgmeier, and Margaret Plenert, as well as by many TESOI. Masters students at CSUF.