Dictionary of Business OVER 12,000 TERMS CLEARLY DEFINED

Müəllif P.H. Collin
Nəşr olunduğu il 2006
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat A & C Black
Nəşr yeri London

P.H. Collin. Dictionary of Business OVER 12,000 TERMS CLEARLY DEFINED. London, A & C Black, 2006.

This dictionary provides the user with the basic vocabulary used in business in both British and American English. The dictionary contains words and phrases which cover all aspects of business life from the office to the Stock Exchange and international trade fairs. It is designed for anyone who needs to check the meaning or pronunciation of a business term, but especially for those for whom English is an additional language. Each entry is explained in clear straightforward English and examples are given to show how the words are used in normal contexts. Because English is a world language of business, short quotations are included from international newspapers. Pronunciations, irregular plurals and verb forms, constructions used with particular words, differences between American and British usage, and other useful points are included. At the back of the book, the user will find supplements giving useful information about numbers (how to speak and write them), telephoning, and writing business letters, together with a list of world currencies, weights and measures, and local times around the world. Thanks are due to Steven Gregory for his helpful comments and advice on this fourth edition of the dictionary