Dictionary of Food Science and Nutrition OVER 5,000 TERMS CLEARLY DEFINED

Nəşr olunduğu il 2006
Elm sahəsi Ədəbiyyat və dilçilik
Nəşriyyat A & C Black Publishers
Nəşr yeri

. Dictionary of Food Science and Nutrition OVER 5,000 TERMS CLEARLY DEFINED. , A & C Black Publishers, 2006.

This dictionary provides the user with a comprehensive range of the vocabulary used in the field of computing. It covers all aspects of computing, including hardware, software, peripherals, networks and programming, as well as many applications in which computers are used, such as the Internet or desktop publishing. It also describes the latest developments in networks, the Internet, communications, programming, multimedia, processor design and storage technology. Each headword is explained in clear, straightforward English. Examples are given to show how the words and phrases can be used in context. General comments about particular items of interest, complex ideas or hardware or software applications are given in separate boxes. Quotations from magazines and journals are given to show how the words are used in real text. The dictionary includes a number of product names and company names. The trademarked names that are included are those that are judged to be of de facto importance to users or important in the development of computer technology.