Müəllif Prof. Dr. Ümmügülsüm ERDOĞAN Assoc.Prof. Mahir Murat CENGİZ Assoc.Prof. Meral KEKEÇOĞLU Assoc.Prof. Dr.Yaşar ERDOĞAN
Nəşr olunduğu il 2024
Elm sahəsi Sosial elmlər
Nəşriyyat İKSAD
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Prof. Dr. Ümmügülsüm ERDOĞAN Assoc.Prof. Mahir Murat CENGİZ Assoc.Prof. Meral KEKEÇOĞLU Assoc.Prof. Dr.Yaşar ERDOĞAN. BEE AND BEEKEEPING II. Ankara, İKSAD, 2024.

Wintering studies, one of the most critical challenges in beekeeping, are also one of the focal points of the book. The techniques required for the colonies to survive healthily in winter conditions are conveyed in detail with modern applications. In addition, effective performances in combating varroa parasite, one of the most common bee colonies, and detailed new approaches on this subject are also included.