The Turkic Civilization Lost in the Mediterranean Basin

Müəllif Garasharly Chingiz
Nəşr olunduğu il 2011
Elm sahəsi 7
Nəşriyyat Indigo
Nəşr yeri Baku

Garasharly Chingiz. The Turkic Civilization Lost in the Mediterranean Basin. Baku, Indigo, 2011.

The Turks, like their distant Indo-European, Semitic, Caucasian and other relatives were born in Western Asia and left Mesopotamia many thousands of years ago. According to the English scientists S.Lloyd and G.Child, the Turanians, who settled in the basin of the Tigris and Euphrates ten to twelve thousand years ago, moved to Asia. The same can be said about the Indo-Europeans and other Fore Asian peoples, who migrated to different parts of Eurasia, thereby giving rise to modern language families.