Müəllif | Prof. Dr. Mehmet Nurullah KURUTKAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güngör ÇağdaĢ DĠNÇEL Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Erdem AK. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Latife Ceyda ĠRKĠN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Naci Ömer ALAYUNT |
Nəşr olunduğu il | 2023 |
Elm sahəsi | Tibb |
Nəşriyyat | İKSAD |
Nəşr yeri | Ankara |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Nurullah KURUTKAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güngör ÇağdaĢ DĠNÇEL Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Erdem AK. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Latife Ceyda ĠRKĠN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Naci Ömer ALAYUNT. MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN MEDICAL SCIENCE III. Ankara, İKSAD, 2023.
This book, which includes valuable chapters in the field of medicine and health sciences, consists of 10 chapters. We are happy to share our book with the scientific community and our readers. I heartily congratulate our esteemed writers, who put their valuable works into the service of humanity as a reward for a great effort.