Müəllif Ebenezer Okechukwu Emeribe, Hakan Bozdogan, Luke Chinaru Nwosu
Nəşr olunduğu il 2023
Elm sahəsi Hüquq elmləri
Nəşriyyat Iksad
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Ebenezer Okechukwu Emeribe, Hakan Bozdogan, Luke Chinaru Nwosu. FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY. Ankara, Iksad, 2023.

The book, comprising three sections, offers comprehensive information on the history of forensic entomology, its applications, and standard protocols. Additionally, the book includes a list of insect species that can be utilized in forensic entomology cases, categorized by order and family. This comprehensive guide is expected to broaden the knowledge of both undergraduate and graduate students.