Müəllif Prof. Dr. Bilal KESKİN Prof. Dr. Emine BUDAKLI ÇARPICI Prof. Dr. İlker NİZAM Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÜRMEN
Nəşr olunduğu il 2023
Elm sahəsi Aqrar
Nəşriyyat Iksad Publications
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Prof. Dr. Bilal KESKİN Prof. Dr. Emine BUDAKLI ÇARPICI Prof. Dr. İlker NİZAM Prof. Dr. Mustafa SÜRMEN. ALTERNATIVE FORAGE CROPS- II. Ankara, Iksad Publications, 2023.

Alternative forage crops, on the one hand, provide diversity to the producers, on the other hand, they will also support the planting plans of the producers with different vegetation periods In this book, there is information such as climate and soil requirements of some other alternative forage crops that are not included in the ALTERNATIVE FORAGE CROPS- I, Cultivation and utilization areas of some alternative forage crop species.