The Use of Augmented Reality for Interactive Synchronous Learning in Introducing the History of Furniture Design Styles

Müəllif Hayrettin MERİÇ
Nəşr olunduğu il 2023
Elm sahəsi Mədəniyyət
Nəşriyyat İKSAD
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Hayrettin MERİÇ. The Use of Augmented Reality for Interactive Synchronous Learning in Introducing the History of Furniture Design Styles. Ankara, İKSAD, 2023.

When we look at the educational technology models in the world, it is evident that topics such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality systems and digital assessment systems are trending. While almost all sectors in the world are developing new policies on the transformation of education, we, as educators, must be at the forefront in this development.