Innovative Solutions to Reduce Environmental Pollution
Müəllif | Assoc. Prof. İbrahim Hakkı KARAKAŞ Assist. Prof. Zeynep KARCIOĞLU KARAKAŞ Dr. Aliye DOLAR Yeşim DEDE SAĞSÖZ Şeyda Deniz AYDIN, Damla MUSTAFAOĞLU, Eda TAŞDELEN, EREN Şahin KORKMAZ |
Nəşr olunduğu il | 2023 |
Elm sahəsi | Elm bütüvlükdə |
Nəşriyyat | İKSAD |
Nəşr yeri | Türkiyə |
Assoc. Prof. İbrahim Hakkı KARAKAŞ Assist. Prof. Zeynep KARCIOĞLU KARAKAŞ Dr. Aliye DOLAR Yeşim DEDE SAĞSÖZ Şeyda Deniz AYDIN, Damla MUSTAFAOĞLU, Eda TAŞDELEN, EREN Şahin KORKMAZ. Innovative Solutions to Reduce Environmental Pollution. Türkiyə, İKSAD, 2023.
This book chapter highlights the importance of new technologies and strategies to combat air pollution in urban centres and presents the advantages that can be gained by implementing these technologies and strategies. It also discusses the factors such as policy adjustments, technological innovations, and public awareness that are necessary for the success of these strategies.