Wooden Building Against Concrete and Steel: What Do Municipal Professionals Think

Müəllif Lecturer Hayrettin MERİÇ
Nəşr olunduğu il 2020
Elm sahəsi Mədəniyyət
Nəşriyyat İksad
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Lecturer Hayrettin MERİÇ. Wooden Building Against Concrete and Steel: What Do Municipal Professionals Think. Ankara, İksad, 2020.

Urbanization and its damaging environmental impacts are accepted as a fact that needs precautionary measures all over the world. The construction sector is the sector that creates a large part of the quality of life. Buildings and structures; affect nature, functioning, visuality in cities and rural areas. The constantly developing construction industry can reveal more harmful technologies day by day. In order to prevent this, we come across buildings that are sustainable, ecological, green and environmentally friendly.