Architectural Sciences and Sustainable Approaches: University Campuses ISBN: 978-625-367-861-
Müəllif | Kadir Tolga ÇELİK |
Nəşr olunduğu il | 2024 |
Elm sahəsi | Sosial elmlər |
Nəşriyyat | İKSAD |
Nəşr yeri | Ankara |
Kadir Tolga ÇELİK . Architectural Sciences and Sustainable Approaches: University Campuses ISBN: 978-625-367-861-. Ankara, İKSAD, 2024.
Dear Professors and Colleagues, We are pleased bring to life that Architectural Sciences and Sustainable Approaches: University Campuses, which was published as an e-book by IKSAD Publishing House with the editors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertan DÜZGÜNEŞ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan Sevinç KURT KONAKOĞLU.