Earthquake Resistant Cities and Disaster Management

Müəllif Prof.Dr.Aybike Ayfer Karadağ
Nəşr olunduğu il 2024
Elm sahəsi Təbiət elmləri
Nəşriyyat Iksad
Nəşr yeri Ankara

Prof.Dr.Aybike Ayfer Karadağ. Earthquake Resistant Cities and Disaster Management. Ankara, Iksad, 2024.

The editors of this book believe that a more livable world can be created by conducting interdisciplinary studies of spatial planning and design disciplines together under the umbrella of "Architectural Sciences". In this context, the "Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications (JASA)," which is a pioneer in the collective studies of related disciplines was published for the first time in 2016.