Müəllif A Çağlan GÜNAL, Ayşenur KAYABAŞ, Aydemir BARIŞ, Cenk YÜCEL, Cennet OZAY, Didem CORAL ŞAHİN
Nəşr olunduğu il 2021
Elm sahəsi Təbiət elmləri
Nəşriyyat Iksad
Nəşr yeri Ankara

A Çağlan GÜNAL, Ayşenur KAYABAŞ, Aydemir BARIŞ, Cenk YÜCEL, Cennet OZAY, Didem CORAL ŞAHİN. RECENT BIOLOGICAL STUDIES. Ankara, Iksad, 2021.

This book entitled “RECENT BIOLOGICAL STUDIES”, prepared by different researchers specializing in various fields of biological science, consists of ten chapters. The topics and applications discussed in this book are tried to be explained together with theoretical information.