Müəllif | Ali Fazıl YENIDÜNYA,Aydemir BARIŞ,Betül AYDIN |
Nəşr olunduğu il | 2020 |
Elm sahəsi | Təbiət elmləri |
Nəşriyyat | Iksad |
Nəşr yeri | Ankara |
Ali Fazıl YENIDÜNYA,Aydemir BARIŞ,Betül AYDIN. DEPTHS OF SCIENCE. Ankara, Iksad, 2020.
Biological sciences aim at the study of life and living organisms, their life cycles, adaptations, and the environment. Our aim in preparing this book for publication is to bring together academic studies and findings in different fields of science and to transfer the results obtained from these studies to the world of science